

October 26, 2023

Our services

Open Classes

Kreston Pedabo offers open training classes through the year across varying topics such as Corporate Strategy Design for Startups, Accounts Receivable and Payable Management, Understanding Financial Reporting, IFRS 15 – Revenue from Contracts with Customers, Effectiveness of Internal Audit, Evaluating Strategy Competitiveness amongst others.

Bespoke Classes

Kreston Pedabo also serves in the capacity of designing tailor-made or custom courses meant to address specific challenges and needs of an organisation. This is on a request basis and we are happy to design an appropriate curriculum.

Graduate Trainee Programmes

Kreston Pedabo has successfully been part of the Faculty for Young Professionals Training across sectors, specifically their Bankers In Training or Graduate Trainee programmes. Given that we are a professional services firm, with our internal annual Graduate Trainee programme, we have over the years been able to design specialised practical soft-skill courses and hone effective training techniques for these young professionals across various teams, IT, marketing, and core banking.

MSME Training Programmes

We recognise MSMEs as the backbone of every economy, as such ​Kreston Pedabo’s training methodology for MSME designed around clusters (based on their size and level of growth) sees to it that the business owners/principals that fall under this category skip the conceptual and are able dive into the practical use of every course in each Module. Thus, we approach each programme with practicable scenarios further to laying down the principles, and objectives of each course. ​

These courses typically range from Success in Business 101, buidling effective business systems & setting up structures, fianancial reporting, financial literacy, bankability, financial responsibility, buidling effective teams, and governance to mention a few. We typically deliver these trainings to businesses through MSME hubs of banks and other institutions, NGOs, State governments, and agencies.

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